RainbowBiz CIC runs a music project called Musical Mates, aimed at vulnerable adults in the local area or Deeside North Wales. The age range of the group spans from 15 years old all the way up to members in their 80’s. Providing opportunities to meet new friends and have the chance to play our lovely selection of musical instruments. The session supports some of the most marginalised members of the community in Flintshire. We invite visitors to the sessions including the PCC, local PCSO’s and Victim Support discussing important issues such as Hate Crime, Cyber Crime, Mate Crime and subjects which benefit community safety and improvement.

Musical Mates is a holistic musical therapy group where beneficiaries are invited to try a wide range of percussion and string instruments, sing along on the karaoke or in a group. There are always refreshments available and a welcoming environment. This very popular group started with around 5 beneficiaries and has now exceeded 50 weekly participants. Musical Mates creates a relaxed atmosphere where beneficiaries can meet with representatives from local organisations such as North Wales Police, Victim Support, Credit Union, or Social Services. The project aims to overcome isolation for individuals but also to promote equality and diversity in the community by encouraging all protected characteristic groups to come along and take part whilst also knowing that there is access to important services in a safe and understanding environment.

Many of the vulnerable adults have physical or mental impairments. Those with limited use of limbs or lacking senses such as hearing or sight attend the group. The instruments offer the opportunity to not only listen to the music but to also feel the vibration of the music. We also have members of the group who are ADHD or autistic, who function at a higher level to other individuals.
The bass guitar donation from ‘Music For All’ has been sensational for the group. Allowing individuals to learn the instrument, if only to a basic level. Members of the group with cerebral palsy, or impairment caused by life-changing injuries have been able to learn single notes and strum to songs, whereas higher functioning individuals have learnt the bass to a higher level, even allowing one individual to form a band and play a gig with college friends.
“The basses that music for all have donated to us have helped me hugely, I have been able too learn new songs, extend my knowledge of music theory, play a live show with my college band and even help teach Tom, Eifion, Bryn, Nathan and Gaz some basic songs like AC/DC ‘thunderstruck’ and Queen ‘ We will rock you’ for the less physically able and Ray Parker Jnr ‘ghostbusters’ and Green day ‘holiday’ for the slightly more able. As a person with ADHD the music group helps me interact with others and challenges my social anxiety. The understanding of RainbowBiz staff to my condition is complimentary to my improvement interacting with the people in the group and at my college course.
The 5 string guitar has helped me extend my knowledge of scales and even play my live show due to the tuning we use, it has been great to be able to use some brilliant quality basses the last few months, they have given me a new love and outlook on music and pushed my abilities. Without Musical Mates and especially the donation from Music For All I would not have been able to afford or achieve the results I have. ” Sion Forrester, Volunteer at Musical Mates for RainbowBiz CIC, 18 years old.
The project has impacted individuals in a positive way to our beneficiaries. Many of these individuals will never have owned the instruments provided by the project, so having the opportunity is unique to the local area as no other projects runs a music group with such a diverse range of instruments. There is also a unique element to the project with the work alongside North Wales Police, Victim Support, West Cheshire Credit Union and Social Services. The project gives attendees access and familiarity to these vital services.
RainbowBiz Director Ian Forrester said “Many of the individuals we support rely on activities such as Musical Mates to get them out of the house, with the support network in which they live activities are limited due to the level of support available. Most of the individuals who attend are unable to work and requirement fulltime support, having somewhere to attend such as musical mates is the highlight of their week. If we can provide a safe and friendly space to have fun whilst providing a positive message it is vital to these individuals.”